A Wolf’s Hollow Fall Engagement | Jenna + Aaron 12.22.19

Jenna and Aaron dressed to the nines and lucked out with the perfect day for a December session. We truly had a blast as we hiked Wolf’s Hollow County Park in Chester County, PA. Jenna in heels and a billowing, red dress. Aaron in a dapper, black suit. I had never been there in the winter and was astounded by the breathtaking beauty it held even in the most disparaging of winter shooting months. The light this day was like velvet on our skin and candy for the soul as they danced in its embrace and I captured it all.
This beautiful woman graduated from Nursing school the day before the session and talked excitedly about the adventures to come. Between her new position as a surgical nurse and planning for her wedding day, 2020 is going to be a memorable year for her. Talk about a celebration session! Aaron, kept us laughing with his jokes that the session was all about him but I must give the guy credit where credit is due. He has done ALL the communication with me up to this point while Jenna finished up nursing school. Though he is not the first of my grooms to take the planning reins, I was impressed.
Jenna and Aaron, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your flexibility to schedule your session over the holidays and trust me with a location choice after our first one fell through. Many would have been devastated but you just rolled with it and had fun….my kind of people. I think we were rewarded for it too. If I could go back in time and choose a location between our first plan and what we ended up doing, I would pick Wolf’s Hollow every day of the week and two times on Tuesday. It was spectacular and you were amazing. Thank you for hiking up to the top of park for the wow shots in your dress. Even with the mild temperatures, you must have been cold, Jenna. I hope you got your hibachi afterwards! I also hope you enjoy this sample of my favorites from your session. And, because I know how hard it is to wait, there are some surprises in your inbox RIGHT NOW so go check! Merry Christmas guys! XO - Megan