7 Tips for Staying Cool On A Hot Summer Engagement Session

Let’s be real. Where I live in Pennsylvania the weather is only “perfect” for about ¼ of the entire year…maybe. And so, guess what? That’s when ALL the weddings happen…April/May and September/October. This means that your engagement or portrait session will most likely happen during one of the “other” months. It’s probably going to be a little cold or a lot hot.

Today, I’m going to prepare you for those hot, sticky, summer sessions.

I know what you’re thinking when you hear a July or August date suggestion…. “But, my hair….and we sweat a lot.”

I FEEL YOU! We ALL do….and my hair too! I am right there with you. I can't tell you how many of my couples are rightfully concerned about these things but are surprised when they see their photos by the outcome because we have implemented the tips in this post on their session.

“You can’t even tell it’s 1,000 degrees!”  


“It really didn’t feel that hot!”

Here are 7 things we can do to minimize the discomfort and inevitable sweat on your sultry summer session:

1.       Plan for Heat

This one is my responsibility as the photographer…

I will do my part by structuring the shoot with the weather and location in mind.

I will never shoot your session in the heat of the afternoon sun. I will never do this both because of the light angles and due to the heat. Closer to sunset, we will start in the shade and by some trees or water where it will be cooler. I will select places that are close to our cars if possible so that we can hop back in the air conditioning to cool off and for you to touch up in between sets. I will shoot the majority of your closeup shots early in the session when you are your most fresh and more pulled back shots closer to the end. If there are “must do” spots that we must walk to, we will try to save those for the end when it is a little cooler and keep you from sweating too much right at the start.

“I will keep you as cool as possible for as long as possible.” 

The rest are for you, dear client…

2.      Go Pro Makeup

Have professional makeup applied.

A licensed, professional makeup artist will apply professional level products that are waterproof and will withstand sweat better than most regular brands and will know just how to apply it to keep you looking cool.

3.      Strategic Colors and Fabrics

Choose clothing colors and fabrics strategically knowing you will be sweating.

You will want fabric that either doesn't show the sweat and is cooler OR covers it up (dark colored suit jackets, while hot, COVER sweat). Also, bring a change of clothes or cover up for this purpose as well. 

Guys, even if you refuse to wear the jacket for the first ¾ of the session (because, hot!), you may be grateful for it at the end to cover up your sweat.

4.      Strategic Hairstyling

Consider styling your hair down for the first half of the session and then pulling it up for the end as you get hot.

5.      Blotting Cloths

Bringing blotting cloths for face and neck sweat.

6.      Hand Held Fans

Hand held fans can feel amazing but they are also one more thing to carry....up to you.

7.       Relax! 

The more you worry about it, the more you will get worked up and sweat more.

And, please understand that the sweat will not show up in your photos as much as you think it might....I PROMISE! 

XO - Megan

P.S. All the photos shown here were taken on 90+ degree days.


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A Rainy, Spring Wedding At The Barn at Stoneybrooke | Jennifer + Matthew | 05-29-2021