
7 Tips for Staying Cool On A Hot Summer Engagement Session
Let’s be real. Where I live in Pennsylvania the weather is only “perfect” for about ¼ of the entire year…maybe. And so, guess what? That’s when ALL the weddings happen…April/May and September/October. This means that your engagement or portrait session will most likely happen during one of the “other” months. It’s probably going to be a little cold or a lot hot.
Today, I’m going to prepare you for those hot, sticky, summer sessions.

7 Tips to Keep You from MELTING During Your Summer Shoot
Let’s be real. Where I live in Pennsylvania the weather is only “perfect” for about ¼ of the entire year…maybe. And so, guess what? That’s when ALL the weddings happen…April/May and September/October. This means that your engagement or portrait session will most likely happen during one of the “other” months. It’s probably going to be a little cold or a lot hot.
Today, I’m going to prepare you for those hot, sticky, summer sessions.