A Monday Engagement Shoot at Longwood Gardens | Jordyn + Mitchell | March 13, 2023
Mitchel: We typically have really bad luck when it comes to things like this. When I glanced at your text I saw, “In all my years, I’ve never seen the parking lot…” and I just assumed it was something bad because that would be our luck — Jordyn nodding at his side with a knowing smile.
My text actually read, “I just parked. In all my years, I’ve never seen the parking lot this empty…amazing!”
Upon entry to Longwood Gardens, it was also a surreal experience. We went for periods of time without seeing a single other soul. We would see the employees, huddled together chatting…something they rarely have the luxury to do in the pristine gardens that guests come to see from all over the world.
Even though you will never see people in the background of your Longwood Gardens photos with me, I typically need to work REALLY hard to make that happen for my people. Yesterday, it was like we had the place to ourselves. THIS is the joy of rain in the forecast.
As I always say, there’s a positive side to every negative. Sometimes the true yin/yang of the world makes me pause in awe. While it’s not fun to plan for a rainy engagement shoot when you are traveling across the country to make it happen in this one block of time, the rain will chase people away. And, when you have Longwood all to yourselves, there’s always an option…inside and out. And, oh did we use the space!
It’s always fun to bring new people to Longwood. My favorite part is walking into the conservatory and watching their reaction. It truly is something I wish everyone could experience. But, as magnificent as it is, a typical session only allows for a handful of shots in the conservatory indoors — maybe — due to the crowds.
Yesterday….well, you’ll see. 👇🏻
Jordyn and Mitchell will be married in May at Historic Ashland in Wrightsville, PA. After all their gushing about the wonderful people in their life, I am certain we are going to have the BEST DAY EVER!!! I 100% cannot wait to meet everyone!!!
Jordo and Mitch, Gah! I just can’t stop gushing over you two. I knew I was going to like you when you booked but you have exceeded my hopes and expectations so far that I’M now counting down the days until your wedding. 60 DAYS!!!!! We are going to have so much fun together.
I hope you love this little sample of a few of my favorites from your shoot. And because I know how hard it is to wait, there will be a surprise in your inbox later today. So, don’t forget to check! Safe travels back to L.A. and don’t worry, I’ll have the umbrellas in May again just in case.
I know you said you have bad luck but honestly, the fact that you two found each other….I’d say you are actually some of the luckiest people I’ve ever met. See you again soon!
Xo - Megan