A Fall Marsh Creek Engagement Shoot | Christina + Jeff

Her makeup artist bailed on her at 1:00pm…the shoot was at 4:30pm. Don’t panic, I said. By some miracle Christina was able to find a stand-in at the very last moment only putting her 20 minutes late for the start of the session. I said go for it! No problem at all!
I admit I purposefully make my sessions extra long just in case something like this might come up. Then I arrived. It was a beautiful fall day. Not too hot. Not too cold. And so, everyone within a 15-mile radius (plus me) was there to enjoy it. As I struggled to navigate my car even amongst the crowds, I worried about their session. I am pretty darn good at shooting around crowds but this would take a miracle. Anywhere there was good light…there were people. I remembered that they had a possible secondary location so I texted suggesting to star there hoping there would be less people and by some miracle some spots of good light. She agreed and I asked for a pin or address. I had never been here before. I waited and waited. It was 4:50 when my phone rang. I was Jeff asking if I was over on the other side of the lake….I wasn’t. I explained that I didn’t know where the secondary location was and was waiting on direction and that there must have been some miscommunication. Not to worry! I would get there ASAP!
I didn’t realize everyone was driving their own separate cars unable to get back to me. Jeff agreed to text me a pin and we hung up. I waited one minute, two….then 5 had gone by so I called him back. He forgot to hit send! Ahhhhh! As soon as I had that pin I was off! We started the session 50 minutes late and it was fine. Luckily there was a beautiful spot in good light right by the parking lot on the other side of the lake. We shot there for 20 minutes and by the time we drove back over to the other side, we had 30 minutes over there….more than enough for me if I have to. We didn’t get to chat and walk around as much as I would normally do but we got a FULL gallery of amazing images through it all.
Christina and Jeff, thank you for keeping your cool through all of that with me. It was your trust in me that allowed me to get down to shooting and create with you in the time that we had. I LOVE YOUR PHOTOS!!!! I hope you do too! Please enjoy this sample of my favorites from your gorgeous fall session at Marsh Creek State Park. And, because I know how hard it is to wait, there are a couple of surprises in your inbox RIGHT NOW, so go check!!!
XO - Megan