Lacey + Nate's French Creek Engagement Session


No cell phone service. I repeat: NO cell phone service. What?!?!?! How do we survive without our cell phones?! I chose French Creek State Park as the location for Lacey and Nate’s engagement session based on the fact that it was closer to them and it is 7,526 acres with a huge lake in the middle. There HAD to be great shooting locations there, right?! Well, it did! BUT, I had taken the fam out to visit the park (AKA scout the location) a month prior when it was not camping season yet. When I arrived an hour early for the actual session (can’t be too early!) There were about 1,000,000 people there….like, everywhere. We are talking every tree with shade had a blanket under it inhabited by a family hiding from the 85-degree sun. Every one. I didn’t drive an hour and 15 minutes to shoot their session by one measly tree anyway. This session was going to be epic whether the 1,000,000 people liked it or not.

I had time so I drove the ENTIRE way around the lake and once on the other side I found this AMAZING historic site. YAY!!!! I drove in. The light was PERFECT. There was an orchard. There was a beautiful old house. There was a wheat field with longhorns grazing in the distance. WOW! I pulled up to the office to go ask if I was allowed to shoot there and was met by a ranger not looking pleased with me. I rolled down the passenger-side window, gave him a big Megan smile and said, “Hello! How are you!” He was not amused and went on to tell me that they had closed about 45-minutes ago and he was about to go lock the gate…go check out French Creek State Park (insert pursed lips from me + forced apology). THEN, as I was pulling out, I noticed a road across the street with wheat fields on either side. The sun was too hot at the moment but maybe, just maybe it would work for the beginning of the session. I drove down and parked. I hopped out of my car and started walking.

Perfect! It was absolutely beautiful and there wasn’t another human being to be seen for miles around. THIS was 100% a perfect location #1.Now, how about that lake? There HAD to be a way to shoot at the lake. I drove back to the lake and started driving the roads around it. Finally, I tried the pool area. Not a likely situation. There were likely to be more people there than at the first location right on the lake. You never know though so I walked the ¼ mile down to the boat dock I saw from the distance smiling and saying hello to all of the people looking at me cockeyed in my salmon pants and sandals. It was a beautiful spot but there were still a ton of people and canoes all around. Whatever, I can make it work! I ALWAYS check with anyone of authority in a location I plan to shoot before I shoot there if at all possible so I went up to the desk of the canoe rentals and asked if I would be allowed to take professional photos there on the dock at sunset. He was a little surprised. I’m assuming I am the first person to ask him that question. After a moment to think, he said, “Well, sure. We will all be gone then and this part of the park closes at dusk. They actually lock the gate that goes back here at dusk so just be sure to be out of here by then but it should be fine.”

Um, yes please! We have location #2!I texted Lacey to let her know where to meet me and realized that my text wasn’t going through. There was 0 service there. I had to drive out of the park to get service to let her know exactly where to meet me and what my car looked like. (In case that ever happens again to someone in the future reading this, I usually drive our Red Ford Focus Hatchback with a bike rack on the back 😉) Due to that fact, she and Nate parked there first and our session began!

On the way to location #1 there was this tree…it was glowing. We parked by the side of the road and jumped out to take a few there. Nate probably thought I was crazy. I barely had a chance to give him a hug and a proper hello and there I was shouting posing commands at him. Sorry Nate! The first location was really, really good but it was hot so we headed for the lake about 5 minutes before my timer went off to remind me to wrap up and go to location #2. The sun was still to high for the wheat field…we would have to come back for that if we were going to do it at all.

We got to the lake an it was almost EMPTY! WHAT?!?!?! We had about 20 minutes to ensure we could shoot and still get out before we were locked in. We walked up to the dock and…there was a family fishing off the dock. They weren’t just fishing. It looked like they were set up to spend some serious time there: folding chairs, buckets, fishing rods, cooler, etc. I decided to take some shots to the side of the dock before being brave to ask them to move. When it was time, I walked up to them with a big smile and we chatted about the bald eagle flying above making swooping dives for dinner. Then, I bravely asked if they would mind if I took some pictures on the dock. The woman “in charge” asked, “what for?” I said for an engagement session. She was puzzled. “You want to take pictures of the boys fishing?” I laughed and told her in the nicest way possible that I was hoping to take their photos, pointing at Lacey and Nate, on the dock for their engagement. She said, “OOOOOOOOH. You want us to MOVE!” I laughed and said, “Yes, basically. 😬”

Well, they did and we got the most epic, amazing shots you can imagine. Well, you don’t have to imagine. Scroll and look for yourself! I’m so glad they moved. I love those shots. I had always wanted to shoot on a boat dock. It was everything I had hoped. I don’t think it will be my last. 😁Once those epic shots were captured, we jetted back to location #1 to get sunset shots in the wheat fields….I. Tried. To. Beat. The. Sunset. But, it was too late. The sun set as we were driving so we parked off to the side of the road and we took shots from a different angle than originally planned. It was fabulous and I couldn’t be happier with how they turned out.

Lacey and Nate, I hope you enjoy this sample of photos from your engagement session. How lucky we were that it didn’t storm like it was supposed to! We had so many things against us for this day and it turned out amazing from start to finish. I think it is a beautiful indication of your lives ahead as husband and wife….full of unexpected sunshine around every corner. I certainly hope so. Lacey, you looked beautiful. Shades of Blush Studios did an amazing job of enhancing your natural beauty. I seriously cannot wait to see you on your wedding day in October at The Barn at Stoneybrooke! Nate, your smile was contagious. Even though this session was the first time we were able to meet, I already feel like I have known you for years. You guys, I hope you enjoy this sample of photos from your session. Your full gallery will be in your inbox soon!!!

XO - Megan


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