Longwood Gardens Spring Family Photos | Moffett Family 4.11.21


I said I wasn’t going to blog family sessions anymore but I can’t help myself with this family. I’ve been photographing them for so many years and I’ve known Megan for so many more. 

I met Megan in her first grade classroom where she taught me so much about the ins and outs of teaching young children. At the time, I was implementing a behavior plan for a little girl with Autism Spectrum Disorder in her classroom and we hit it off as friends right away. 

She was one of the first people I told I was going on a date with Marc. She was there when he was in the hospital and I was skidding into the parking lot for school after visiting him in the mornings not knowing if he would make it. I was there when she wasn’t sure she would be able to have kids. She was there when I decided to become a photographer. And, on and on it goes. Here we are now…5 more kids in our lives to love and I still can’t get enough of this beautiful soul. 

Megan and Bill, it’s always an honor. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to introduce you to Longwood Gardens. It is a place that is so special to my heart even past the pretty photos. It’s a place of solace and quiet. If you ever have a chance to go by yourself (unrealistic with little ones at this point but….) it is even more of an experience to fill you up. I hope you love this sample of photos from your beautiful session with your AMAZING kiddos. And, because I know how hard it is to wait, there is a surprise in your inbox RIGHT NOW so go check! XOXO - Megan


April Blooms at The Barn at Stoneybrooke | Jaclyn + Eric | 4.17.21


Spring Opening at Longwood Gardens | Carla + Gregory 4.10.21