A Fall Susquehanna River Engagement Session | Jaycie + Peter | September 28, 2022
Weather is always a gamble and this location in particular can be tough with now low-lying clouds for the sun to paint as it throws its colors up into the sky. We crossed our fingers as we pulled up to the overlook.
I jumped out of the car, pointed to the sky and said with unbridled relief and excitement…. “I see a cloud!!!!” One cloud turned into two and as the sun left us behind over the hills, it clung to us in those clouds giving us a one-in-a-million sunset.
The low-lying clouds glowed pink and creamsicle orange as the sun kissed us goodnight after an absolutely incredible fall engagement session along the beautiful Susquehanna River by Chickies Rock. Jaycie and Peter had absolutely rocked their shoot and we were all glowing with the excitement of the amazing feeling of success.
After letting them know we had finally lost the light and their session was over, Peter wrapped me in a huge hug with his enormous arms while Jaycie giggled her sweet laugh and gave me a hug too. I asked, as I do with all of my clients, “Are you okay with posting pictures on social media and such?”
Jaycie responded, “Sure, but I’m sorry, I don’t have social media! Peter does though!”
It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t have social media these days and I just love that. As someone who spends a decent chunk of time on social media platforms for work, any time I meet someone who doesn’t have an account, I look at them like a rainbow unicorn…with envy. I bet it’s so freeing to not have that itch to check — and check again. No comparison, no preconceived vision of what your wedding day and life are “supposed” to be like….their lives are just what they really want at the end of the day. I love that!
Jaycie and Peter will be married in September 2023 at Stone Gable Estate’s Ironstone Ranch in Elizabethtown, PA and I can’t wait to meet all of their people. If they are anything like them, we are going to have the most amazing day next year.
Jaycie and Peter, what an incredible shoot! You two are absolutely amazing…every last giggle! I hope you love this little sample of photos from your amazing engagement session AND I hope to run into you two at Giant before next year! And, because I know how hard it is to start sharing (Peter), there will be a surprise in your inbox later today so don’t forget to check (Jaycie). Peter, I am, of course, counting on you to show this to Jaycie!
XO - Megan