A Longwood Christmas Proposal | Carl + Kate | November 26, 2022
I changed the entire plan for this Longwood Christmas proposal on Carl minutes before they arrived. Let me explain…
Kate’s mom, Kathryn, contacted me back in August requesting a portrait session over Thanksgiving weekend for her daughter’s proposal knowing they would be in PA and that Carl planned to propose. I don’t shoot many proposals and I don’t typically shoot this far into November for anything but regular engagement sessions but this one sounded truly special. She went on and on about how great Carl is and how excited she is to have him joining her family.
Kathryn lives in FL. Carl lives in Missouri. Kate lives in Texas. So, feeling so far away, she wanted to do something to feel more involved in the process. After much research of photographers in PA, she found me, booked the shoot and passed me off to Carl for planning.
Over a video call, Carl and I walked through his plan for his proposal….she wouldn’t want to make a scene….more private…she LOVES Christmas AND Longwood Gardens is special….the biggest part for him? He MUST surprise her.
Now, if you have ever been to Longwood Gardens…..and if you’ve ever been to Longwood Gardens for their Christmas display, you probably understand that I immediately started worrying. Longwood is always busy (I wrote a whole blog called The Truth About Longwood) but at Christmas time — it’s packed. And, wouldn’t Kate suspect she might be proposed to on such a special trip….dinner booked at 1906 and all?!?!
Being 100% transparent, I had never actually been to Longwood for A Longwood Christmas. I just knew that it is their busiest time of the year. So, taking what I knew from the normal season (which I shoot regularly), I encouraged Carl to turn RIGHT after entering (mind you, Carl did not know Longwood Gardens at all so he was just going off my directions) to take her to a more secluded spot for the big moment. Normally, people congregate around the fountains on the other side of the property more awaiting the next fountain show.
What I didn’t take into consideration when we made the plan was that the fountains aren’t running in the fall and winter and the big draw is actually the conservatory (warm and amazing) and everything to the RIGHT….treehouses and Christmas decor galore + hot chocolate and snack vendors this time of year!
I arrived an hour before their arrival time (as I do for almost all sessions anyway) and did a quick walk to the RIGHT to “make sure” everything was nice over there. I wasn’t worried it wouldn’t look nice. Everything at Longwood ALWAYS looks nice. I was simply doing my “due diligence” as I tell my students at Lancaster Photography School.
What I wasn’t expecting were the HORDES of people to the RIGHT. They lined the walkways and took up every possible space. Carl would have to walk at least 20 minutes to find a nice, secluded spot to propose and it would be hard not to lose them in the hike. I broke into a cold sweat and doubled down on my walking pace back towards the entrance, glancing at my phone every few steps just to make sure they didn’t arrive early and send the “about to enter” text.
I powered past the entrance to check LEFT of the entrance — towards the fountains. What a difference! There were hardly any people…yet. I could see the crowds starting to spill through the doors as the sun set. They were coming for the lights at night.
Our plan was for the proposal right away, photos afterwards for an hour or so until their reservation at 1906 just after the sunset. They would end with a walk through the lights after dinner. But if Carl couldn’t find a good place to propose, it would severely cut into their photo time. AND, how would I tell him LEFT was better than RIGHT without ruining the surprise?!?!
I hiked it back to the entrance to be certain I was in place. Then, I typed out a text message explaining he should go LEFT if he could manage it but I would follow no matter where he takes her.
The second his text “just parked” vibrated my phone I hit send and crossed my fingers: #1 the change of plans wouldn’t overwhelm Carl and #2 Kate would’t see the message.
As I waited for them to come through the doors, some others started chatting with me and I let them know what I was there for and that I was hoping Carl got the message to go LEFT instead of right. Just before they came through the doors, Carl managed one more text….LEFT IT IS! I showed the crowd and they all went wild…and then immediately acted like they didn’t see them coming through the door. Well done guys!
I tailed Carl and Kate rather closely, afraid Carl would’t see me. I pretended to take videos and pictures of the trees as I walked behind them. Carl followed the directions to a T….the army will do that to ya! He turned left up the hill and walked Kate into a space of mystical trees still, by some Longwood miracle, dressed in fall color. He wasted no time. No more than 4 minutes after walking through the door, he dropped to one knee, all alone at Longwood Gardens with the love of his life, decked out for Christmas…and took her breath away with surprise.
Carl and Kate, I am SO happy I got to be the one to capture this special moment for you. I have to admit, selfishly, that my favorite part was when I heard Kate say, “Is THAT Megan?” Hahahahaha! I’m so glad you didn’t have to go much longer worrying about who that girl’s name/number was in your man’s phone! You both are amazing people. You are both lucky to have each other and I’m so glad you found each other. I hope you love this little sample of photos from your A Longwood Christmas proposal yesterday. And, because I know how hard it is to wait to start sharing (for your family at least!), there will be a surprise in your inbox later today. So, don’t forget to check!
Xo - Megan