Stephanie + Anthony | A Winter Elizabethtown, PA Engagement Session


Declan was born the exact same month as my little Finn so when Stephanie and Anthony asked it if was okay for him to come to the engagement session I, of course, said YES! Whether it’s your fur baby or your actual baby, it is ALWAYS your choice to bring them along to your session. The only thing I ask is that you bring someone along to watch them so that the MAIN focus can be you two and this incredible journey you are embarking on together called marriage. I remember when Marc and I got married, it was SO important to me to have Andrew and Isaac be part of the entire process. The same was true for Anthony and Stephanie and I adore them for it. Declan was asleep in Morgan, Stephanie’s best friend and Maid of Honor’s arms when they arrived so we started off with just the two of them. Once Declan was up and at ‘em and ready, we started taking some family photos and photos of Declan himself. Guys, I am here to tell you Declan is MODEL material. This little boy took direction like you wouldn’t believe. AND HE LOVED EVERY SECOND! What a ham!!!! Normally, I keep the kids in the pictures until they get bored and try again a little later for one more quick round but Declan was so good and so into it that we had to make the choice to have him go for a walk with Morgan so that we could focus on Stephanie and Anthony!

These two lit up my camera with their love. Stephanie was glowing with excitement and Anthony was cool as a cucumber playing to the camera like a pro….I can guess where Declan gets it! Stephanie’s gorgeous eyes stole the spotlight and we giggled our way through the session.We started at Masonic Villages’ Formal Gardens in Elizabethtown and had a grand finale in a nearby field for the most gorgeous golden sunset you have ever seen. Every part of their session was perfection and I can’t wait for their Hershey Lodge wedding to meet the rest of their friends and family.

Morgan, I can’t wait to see you again too!!!Stephanie and Anthony, you guys were awesome! I hope you had as much fun as I did. How on earth did we luck out with that amazing weather for a February session?!?!?! Someone upstairs must be on your team!!! I know I said it a million times on the session but I was just SO impressed with Declan. He was a joy to be around. It’s not always fun for 3-year-olds to have their photo taken (my Finn even is NOT so great about it!) and he listened so well and had fun just like you. Way to model great behavior. I’m so excited for you two to be making your little family official in November. Your wedding is going to be so much fun! I hope you enjoy this little sample of my favorites from your engagement session and because I know how hard it is to wait, there are some surprises in your inbox RIGHT NOW, so go check!!! XO - Megan


The Last Baby | Shelby’s Final Lancaster County Maternity Session


A Moment, Please, to Interrupt Your Highlight Reel