Clare + Anthony | A Wolf’s Hollow County Park Winter Engagement Session


It was cold. The warmth of the day was at it’s high, peaking at 32 degrees as I walked the grounds of Wolf’s Hollow County Park to search for new and interesting spots to shoot in for Clare and Anthony’s winter engagement session on Saturday. As luck would have it, I found some beautiful new locations right away so I was able to head back to the car to warm up for a minute before they arrived.  I heard them before I saw them. Anthony LOVES his cars…not nearly as much as he loves Clare…but he loves them a lot. To be absolutely clear, I know NOTHING about cars but this one was obviously special. The engine was loud and the windows were completely blacked out and there was a spoiler on the back. I had a flashback to the car Marc drove when we first started dating. I honestly wasn’t sure if it was them at first so I waited until they started to emerge before saying, “Clare?” in a questioning tone.

I can’t tell you how many times I think it’s “my” couple driving up to a location and I jump up and down, start waving emphatically only to find out that it’s ‘cough’ not them….ensue over emphasized apology from the crazy lady with the camera and step ladder….their faces visibly screw up pondering if they should find a different place to take their walk today.Well, it was them thankfully. This was the first time we had met in person. They live in Wilmington, DE so we had “met” over the phone initially and I love them instantly. Anthony, with his HUGE Italian/Irish family and Clare with her small, very close family. Their Chesapeake Inn wedding in October is going to be so fun watching these two families become one. I hope Anthony’s Italian side is as fun as mine! I can’t wait to meet everyone!

The session went perfectly. They were great at taking direction and we were able to take a ton of photos, warm up in the car and then take a ton more before we all had to admit it was just too cold.Clare and Anthony, it was SO GREAT to meet you two in person. I felt like I could have chatted with you for hours. Thank you for braving the cold to fit in your engagement session before your big day. You two are so perfect for each other and I can’t wait to be there with you as you take the next steps in your beautiful relationship. I hope you LOVE this sample of my favorites from your session and because I know how hard it is to wait, there are a few surprises in your inbox RIGHT NOW so go check! XO - Megan


A Moment, Please, to Interrupt Your Highlight Reel


Chernoff Family | A Glowing San Diego Winter Family Session