A Manheim, PA Easter Baby’s Newborn Lifestyle Session


Whether she waited for years for her child or whether her child was a surprise addition to her family, nothing can prepare a mother for this feeling right here. The ruthless, selfless love she has for her child is a force like no other. It’s the kind of love that moves her to tears any time she tries to ponder “just how much I love you.” It’s the kind of love that allows her to stay up all night with her crying child. It’s the kind of love that allows her to simply stare in awe at her baby’s face for hours. It’s the kind of love that would make her give up her own life to protect his/hers without a second thought. And, it’s the kind of love that can’t compare to any other love in this world. This is motherhood.

I know it’s not Mother’s Day and I wasn’t going to blog this session because it’s not “what I do” on a regular basis but I MUST share this beautiful family. Meet Kieran Ashby Reber. He arrived exactly two weeks early on Easter Sunday and these photos were taken on his due date at two weeks old. Some things are meant to be. I truly believe that with my entire being. Kieran is a miracle baby in the first place and the only way I was able to make this work in my solid schedule was because it rained and another session had to reschedule for next year. If you remember their maternity session, it happened to snow just in time for a fresh snowfall to make the perfect backdrop for their photos…and yet it wasn’t that cold outside. Coincidence? I don’t think so. I’ve heard it said that when a mother is made to wait years and years for her baby, God is simply taking his time to make him extra special for you. 💙Now, to be clear, I don’t do newborn photography (naked or wrapped up sleeping babies). That is a whole different realm of photography that I decided long ago wasn’t for me. This is what is called a lifestyle session. Relaxed and comfortable in your own home showcasing you being you with your family. Your child stays where he or she is most comfortable: in your arms. And, I simply give you direction to sit here….give a kiss….snuggle…..just talk to him. It’s actually quite relaxing and sweet and I enjoy doing one a year if I can fit it in. So, if you contact me asking for a newborn session, I will say I only do lifestyle sessions….and this is what I mean.

Enough talking. Enjoy this precious new life and his loving family.

Liesl, Justin, Bella and Deb, thank you again for allowing me this window into your beautiful lives. It has been so special getting to know you all a little better. I have so much love for you all. I hope I get to watch Kieran grow up over the years. He is SO SO SO cute. I’m incredibly happy for you all. Justin, you have already shown what a great dad you are. Bella, you’re going to be an amazing big sister. And Liesl, looking at these photos makes me tear up. YOU ARE AN AMAZING MOTHER. Happy Mother’s Day.

XO – Megan

P.S. Check your email later today. Your photos are done. 😘 Loading now. 😊


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