Dallas’s Manheim Senior Portrait Session

It’s not every day I get to photograph a senior portrait session for the daughter of someone I went to high school with IN Manheim and at the property of someone else I went to High School with. (Thank you Jessie and Ashley) I’ll be the first to admit it was chilly but worth every immovable finger when I got home. Dallas was easy to work with and both she and her mom had lots of fun props to bring along to make the most of their session (hello sparklers!). The 2019 balloons at the very end were icing on the cake. It may have taken 20 minutes, honestly, to get one good shot…but so cute.
I don’t have much room in my schedule typically for senior sessions but it’s a refreshing change to do some here and there. They challenge my creativity to bring out the personality and inner beauty of the individual on their own. It’s just plain fun! I’m hoping to fit 5-10 in next year if my schedule will allow it. Dallas’s was incredible. She is obviously driven and going places. She wants to be a psychiatrist! The world will be a better place when she reaches that goal.
Dallas, thank you for allowing me to take your senior portraits. You. Are. Beautiful. Keep your dreams big. And, remember when life get hard some days that you can always handle the challenges of one day. It’s when you start throwing the challenges of yesterday and tomorrow that things get overwhelming. Leave room between “the things” to breath and enjoy the moment. Busy doesn’t mean productive…ever. Be busy with things that bring you joy and pride and leave the rest behind. Work hard and be you. You’ve got this girl! So, I totally got carried away with your blog photos. There are so many here but there are even more to come so tell your mom to watch for those in her inbox in a few days. Until then, because I know it’s just too hard NOT to post some right away, tell her to check her email RIGHT NOW. There are some surprises in there. 😘
XO - Megan