Cobaugh Family Session


The flooding in our surrounding area made NATIONAL news the day before their session. The location is typically a little wet to begin with so as the rain fell in buckets on Friday, I looked at my husband and said, “I’m going to have to reschedule tomorrow’s shoot, aren’t I?” In a strange twist, he took the optimist role in our relationship and said that the newscasters were saying that the incredible rain was also incredibly localized to our area in Mount Joy and Manheim so, “You never know. We’ll go check it in the morning if we can get out of Mount Joy at all.” We made it over just fine and saw the devastation as we drove. My heart sank. We pulled into the parking area and to my dismay, the field was also cut. I decided we would walk the location anyway and “just see.” The path was clear and in the cut field they left just a small band of grass and it was only wet…not sopping! For the other spot, by some miracle, it was not too wet! AND, the forecasted cloud cover would allow me to shoot in different directions than I normally do in that location. The shoot was ON!

They almost forgot to bring Declan’s pants but arrived in one piece with their little darling. And, he really was. What a CUTIE PIE!!!! Declan was SO GOOD!!!!!! I could have photographed him for hours on end but our 90-minutes session was perfect. He was tired by the end but still able to smile and play without crying. Gretchen and Matthew really lucked out with their first. He is just SO good and SO sweet. High school sweethearts themselves, they are taking their time, living life to the fullest and enjoying their little bundle of joy. Photographing them was such a pleasure. We almost stayed dry and their session couldn’t have gone better. The SUN even came out at the very end of the session. IT. WAS. AMAZING. I honestly have never had so many usable images from a family session with a little guy before. They all rocked it.

Gretchen and Matthew, it was fate you found me and booked. I loved working with you creating these images for you to cherish for the rest of your lives. It is such a special thing to document your love legacy for Declan over the years. I am also in love with your couple’s photos from your session. You, obviously, are still so in love after all these years. It is a beautiful thing to see. I hope you enjoy this sample of photos from your session. Your full gallery will be in your inbox in a few days. Until then, please feel free to share this blog post and check your email. There are a few surprises in there for you. 😘 Have a great week.

XO - Megan


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