A West Chester Family Session | The Smith Family Home | September 3, 2022
I capture connection. I say this often and believe in it with my whole heart. The thing is, it’s not always the connection between people that needs to be captured. Sometimes it’s the connection to a place.
This place is special to everyone of the people you see in these photos. It is especially meaningful to Glenn and Marilyn who built it many years ago. It’s time to say good-bye to this space and it’s not always as easy as signing off on the paperwork. There are memories embedded in the framework of this home. The roots of this family dive deep into the soil. Saying goodbye to this “thing” is more than just moving out. It’s saying good bye to the ease of memories retrieved instantly by a visit.
When you walk through your home and through the grounds of your property, it’s simple…easy even…to recall the memories of the past. First steps, first pets, first days of school, first days of college, all the way down to wedding planning and family get-togethers. When you have to say goodbye to these “easy reminders,” pictures can bring you back. It will never be quite the same but you should never leave a space with this much meaning without taking photos in it.
It was fate that I was able to make it out to West Chester yesterday to capture these images for some of my most dedicated clients before it is officially owned by another. Family came from all over the country for one last weekend together.
Stephanie & Scott, Debbe & Steve, Glenn & Marilyn, and everyone else that came out to honor the home, thank you for bringing me into this emotional week for you all to capture some memories that will be enjoyed for decades to come. I may have been able to laugh through the session but when I saw these photos on my screen and allowed myself to feel the emotion along with you, I cried with you all. I hope you love this little sample of photos from your emotional session with the Smith family home. And, because I know how hard it is to wait, there will be a surprise waiting in your inbox (Stephanie) later today. Enjoy!
XO - Megan