Pam’s Surprise 65th Birthday Party | April 23, 2022
Just like a wedding day, I pulled my car right up to the barn and started unloading gear. Even though the sky was regularly threatening to break into tears there was an unmistakable vibe of excitement resonating through the chilly air. It felt like happy tears were ready to rain down from mother nature herself over this special day.
Unsure of what the actual plan was to surprise Pam, I entered the barn to seek out the man behind it all — her husband, Mark. His tall, thin frame was easy to spot across the barn. He was standing next to someone. Their backs were turned as if they were enjoying the view from one of the two enormous, open-air windows overlooking the expanse of the property. Really, they were deep in thought and conversation.
I approached quietly and waited, smiling as I was noticed by a family member here and there. I introduced myself once and then twice as Megan, the photographer. The second time, Mark caught my words and turned. His face was in a broad smile that was as natural as the grass is green. He greeted me in my customary hug and then took my hand, less in a shake than in an embrace of its own. I felt so welcomed and immediately at ease in his joyful presence.
He explained the plan that we would hide the cars down on the west end of the property behind the greenhouses and the guests would then walk up to the barn (newly constructed and pristine quality) where we would all would hide until Pam arrived at noon with her friend. She was out hiking all morning with the information that she would indeed be getting a party (because Mark accidentally put it on his calendar!) but it would be in the evening at her dad’s house with close family, only. He would meet her in the house and tell her he has a surprise for her in the barn that he just cannot wait to share. He would place her in front of the doors turned backwards (because it’s SO big), slide open the huge doors revealing us inside, count down 3, 2, 1 and everyone would cheer and use the noise-makers to make it as dramatic as possible.
Once she took it all in, she would be draped in her Birthday Girl sash and crown and taken into the barn for more surprises. Several friends from near and far would be hidden behind the white screen and they would do a round of “guess who” followed by dinner and games.
The more he talked the wider his smile expanded and the brighter his eyes glittered with the excitement of pleasing his darling Pam. I was captivated. When he finished talking I couldn’t help but exclaim what an amazing husband he is and how impressed I was with every detail. At this point I didn’t even know the entirety of the lengths to which he and the kids went to make every detail count: all of her favorite foods and candies, a huge surprise gift, and even her face printed onto specialty made M&Ms
He said, “You know, everyone keeps saying that and I really should record it for her to hear later. I’m not entirely sure she’ll talk to me by the end of all of this!” He went on to explain the lengths that he and the kids had gone to invite people from all different parts of her life from people she haven’t seen in decades from grade school to people she saw yesterday at the gym.
A few people at the party asked me how I know Pam and the question made me smile every time it was asked. Pam is one of the longest standing supporters of my business. She and Mark had a mini session (purchased as a gift by their kids, I believe) with the grandkids many years ago when I was just starting my business and learning photography. As a photography lover herself, she started following along and I started following their lives on FB as well. Year after year I marveled at their steadfast marriage and the joy they invite into their lives and the genuine care and devotion they have not just to one another but to all of the people in their lives…especially their family. They are special. Anyone who knows them would agree. They’re the kind of people you want in your life…that you hold onto dearly. I’ve felt it an honor just to know them over the years. To be asked to photograph this event for Pam was a true treat.
All of my health scares last year, keeping me from booking up every single weekend of my spring left this day open on my calendar and I am so happy I was able to do this for her. Seeing her reaction to me on my step ladder in her moment of overwhelm, taking in a barn full of the people she loves and cherishes the most was something I’ll never forget. She was genuinely so excited to see me and that made my heart so happy. I may have teared up a few times just in awe of them, their love and the community they have cultivated around themselves in the span of their lives. It was magic to stand amongst them to capture it all.
Pam and Mark, thank you for being such a light in this world. Thank you for being an amazing example for all of us who watch and admire you near and far and thank you for welcoming me into this most special of days. I look at you two and realize what I want from my marriage and family in my future. I hope you know just how special you are and I truly hope you love this sample of photos from your amazing surprise birthday party. And, because I know how hard it is to wait, there will be a surprise in your inbox later this evening. So, don’t forget to check!
Xo - Megan