A Harrisburg New Family Session | The Berry Family | September 17, 2022
I don’t remember which wedding it was that Sandy told me they were trying but I remember the twinkle in her eye — the excitement. I had been asking her at every wedding for some time.
The conversation always started the same: We would be waiting for the ceremony to start standing off to the side. Gear prepped. Plan made. — A break (finally) in an intense day. I would pose the question in a teasing, fun kind of way. Knowing how much she talks about her nieces and nephews, there was never a question of if they wanted to have kids…just when.
I would say with a little smirk, head-tilt and bounce on my toes, “Soooooo, have you and Jason thought any more about starting a family?” I always asked with a friend’s heart but I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a little part of me that wanted to know if I needed to prepare to find more help. — Sandy second shot for me often. And, I can say with my whole heart that — she’s my favorite.
This day, I wasn’t expecting the happy news. We were busy and rushing a bit but I still squeezed the question in before we took our places at the front of the crowd. She smiled sweetly, looking down to the left. While swinging her curly hair back over her shoulder she shrugged her shoulders told me off-handedly their plans. They wanted to conceive on a certain month so that they would give birth another specific month in the off wedding season. — A true wedding photographer….Always considering “the season.”
Her eyes twinkled with delight. Her excitement was undeniable. I was so happy for her to be starting this next chapter. She was going to be an amazing mom.
Waiting for the ceremony to start, the question at weddings changed to a teasing, “So? How’s the baby-making going?” With each passing month, and then year, the twinkle faded a bit each time. I started to not ask until we were waiting for the reception to begin…a more private time for her to talk about the disappointment and heartache of desiring to love someone they haven’t met yet — and having no luck.
Even with deep faith that there is a plan and it is in the hands of someone who knows what’s best for them — the disappointment cuts like a knife and I could see it in her eyes. The questions of, “why not me?” and “will it ever happen” come thundering in uninvited. My hugs got longer and my heart ached for my friend.
Over the winter, we got together for breakfast in the off season after my surgery. It was one of the first weeks I was allowed to sit upright and it felt so good to be out and about. We had so much to talk about that her big news took me completely off guard. I had dominated the conversation with talk about my workshop, the coming wedding season, family and the trauma of the cancer scare and surgery I had been through the previous year.
I started to hint into the question and, sitting completely upright with confidence, she cut me off and stated, looking me directly in the eye, “I’m pregnant.” My jaw dropped and I my eyes immediately filled with tears that tumbled down one after the other as I showered her with exclamations of relief and excitement. She keep her composure, savoring the moment, sipping her drink.
They have a sign hanging in Levi’s nursery that reads, “For this child, I have prayed.” It’s not the first time I’ve photographed those words and each time those words make me well with tears.
Sandy and Jason, I am so happy for you two. Seeing you as parents for the first time yesterday was such a treat. Parenting has obviously come naturally to you two. Levi is absolutely perfect and I know he was worth the wait. I admire your faith and Levi is so lucky to have not only you two as parents, but also the community of family and faith that you have already surrounded him with. I know I don’t really have to tell you this but, enjoy every moment. Every snuggle, grunt and yawn. It’s all a gift. I can’t wait to watch Levi grow in faith under your wing. I hope you love this little sample of photos from your sweet family session yesterday in your home. And, because I know how hard it is to wait, there will be a surprise in your inbox later today. So, don’t forget to look! I’m so happy to be one of the first people to have photographed your family. Love you!!!!
XO - Megan