A Lancaster Private Estate High School Senior Shoot for Sam | 04-14-2022
Oh boy. What to say about this young man? It had been 5 years since I last photographed Sam when his mom married Bill. And, he’s a senior in high school now!?!?! I can’t believe the sweet boy I remember at his mom’s wedding is about to head off to his future. Sam is still deciding on the details of his next steps but he does know he wants to study biology and I couldn’t be happier for him.
I’m not sure I’ve ever had an easier time working with a senior boy. He was all in and all smiles for the entire session. Bill even brought the dogs (“The Girls”), Lucy and Jenny. Lucy had a little more white in her face from what I remembered from the wedding day but man is she still sharp! Bill, Liz and Sarah worked with the dogs on their training while Sam and I galavanted all around the gorgeous Lancaster private estate listening to the peepers in the pond, documenting this unforgettable time in Sam’s life when he transitions from boy to man. I’m getting a little teary just thinking about it! What an honor to be the one to do this for him.
Sam, thank you for trusting me with these photos and having fun with your session. I love how much you love Star Wars and I adore how you were able to incorporate it into your shoot in such a classy way. You are one in a million and I’m so proud to know you. I can’t wait to hear about all the amazing things you do with your amazing life. I hope you love this little sample of photos from your shoot. And, because I know how hard it is to wait, there will be a surprise in your mom’s email a little later tonight so you can bug her all evening to check! HA!
XO - Megan