Liesl + Justin’s Snowy Lancaster County Maternity Session

Mother. The word holds incredible emotion and meaning within it. It’s easy to take our own mother or our roll as a mother or parent for granted. Easy, that is, until we no longer have our mother to guide us on our paths, hear stories (or struggle ourselves) to conceive before we feel our family is finished. That’s where the emotion steps in. We assume growing up that our mom will always be there to comfort and encourage us. We also assume our dream of becoming a parent one day will be fulfilled when we are ready. Sometimes though, no matter how thoroughly we plan, the plan is out of our hands and it must be surrendered to a higher power.
I knew Liesl and Justin had waited a LONG time for THIS moment in time. I saw the sparkle in her eye when we chatted about her coming bundle of baby boy joy. I saw the hope and relief in her expression as she held her belly. I purposefully didn’t ask for details about their struggles during the session though simply because I can be very sensitive to other’s struggles and I didn’t want to start crying, ruin the mood and embarrass myself! When they brought out the sign to hold (a beautiful gift from Liesl’s best friend) I actually didn’t read it while shooting the photos for the same reason. After I got home, put the kids to bed and loaded the photos, I pulled the first one of the sign up on my computer and finally allowed myself to read it and feel it all….their pain, their excitement, their relief and joy….and I cried. A LOT. I’m glad Marc was in the other room because it wasn’t pretty. The fact that I was able to do this for them was honestly the most amazing feeling. I say it all the time, but I am ridiculously lucky to do what I do. It’s such an honor go through these moments with my clients. Ok, I’m crying again so I’ll wrap this up!
Liesl and Justin’s session was beautiful from start to finish. The evening before’s snowfall gave us a fresh canvas to paint with their joy. We stayed right in Manheim, PA minutes from where we went to high school and since Liesl and I are both talkers, it’s a wonder we even took any pictures at all. I found that Justin IS a talker….you just have to have some pretty awesome camera equipment to talk about….my favorite subject so we hit it off great! I brought the sweet Makenna with me to this session to assist and am hoping I didn’t scare her off with my constant jabber. Lastly, I got to go into Liesl and Justin’s beautiful home to meet their three fabulous cats and see their nearly done nursery and I may have to beg them to come over to give me decorating tips because 😍🙌😍🙌😍 amazing.
Liesl and Justin, I can’t even express in words how special it was to take these photos for you. I hope they speak to the joy you have in your life now with this special little boy on the way to join your family and fulfill all your dreams. I can’t wait to meet him!!! Please enjoy this small sample of photos from your session yesterday and because I know how hard it is to wait, there are some surprises in your inbox RIGHT NOW so go check! LOVE YOU! XO - MeganLiesl's hair and makeup looks were created by Emily at Pure Joy Salon and Spa in Manheim, PA.